November 12, 2018 | Categories: Mission Reports
Mission Report: Walden

Friend’s call for help
Snow and sub-zero temperatures are a deadly combination in the best of times, much less when things go wrong. Two hunters found themselves stranded in these conditions when their truck got stuck, a week ago today, within the 408 square mile game management area north of Walden. On this day of observance, volunteers from Colorado 4×4 Rescue and Recovery’s Search and Rescue Emergency Support team, dedicated the day to finding them.
On November 11th, the hunter’s friends reached out to CO4x4RnR for help. CO4x4RnR then reached out to and coordinated with the local authorities, Jackson County Sheriff’s office. A call for volunteers went out to our membership, and as always, they answered the call.
A team of seven members left home as early as 3:00 am for a coordination meeting in Walden at 8:00 am. As the team members left home, other members started monitoring and helped coordinate the search. Five additional team members were on standby if needed. Teams 1 and 2, with sporadic ham and cell communications, commenced their search.
Not long into their search efforts, the teams received information to help narrow the search area. The lost parties had hiked through miles of deep snow, trying to find help and communication with the outside world, hoping for rescue. They were mentally and physically exhausted and had reached the point of making good-bye videos to their loved ones. After sporadic communications with the lost individuals, they were found by team members just before noon. Not only cold, tired, and dehydrated, the lost individuals emotionally exhausted. The trip back to Walden was filled with tears and relief. At 1:30 PM after a well-deserved lunch with the lost individuals, team members disbanded and headed for home; mission complete.
In Search and Rescue missions, there are two great moments; finding the lost party is the obvious one. The best one is making the call to their family or friends; “We’re ok, we’re coming home”. CO4x4RnR Search and Rescue Emergency Support team members helped make that call possible.
As a reminder, if you’re traveling in the back country, tell someone where you’re going, when you plan on being back, and stick to the plan. The lost parties were found some distance outside the initial search grid and had it not been for a friend with some knowledge of the area, things could have turned out very differently.
CO4x4RnR is an all-volunteer 501(c)3 non-profit charity; Colorado residents helping the people of Colorado.
We want to specifically thank Jackson County Sheriff Office for their trust and support in this operation.
Colorado 4×4 Rescue and Recovery
‘We Recover the Rockies’
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