March 27, 2017 | Categories: Mission Reports
Mission Report: Yankee Hill

Last night CO4x4RnR carried out a wonderful example of a well executed multi-layer recovery. We had a stuck vehicle on Yankee hill that had more wrinkles than my dog. The recovery itself was not a difficult one. Everything else was complex.
The evening included some elements that cannot be identified in public due to simple respect but the night involved lost communications, a car fire in Central City that diverted the team, a lost recovery team in the maze of Yankee hill and the need to coordinate with law enforcement in two different jurisdictions.
We handled a sticky and evolving situation seamlessly and first responders were able to do their jobs more easily because we did our jobs.
The recovery team did their jobs professionally after the team was organized in mere minutes. Administrators handed off duties on multiple layers continuously and the lead administrator kept the clients in contact with the recovery team as technology permitted. Alternate plans were executed as primary plans became impossible. All of this worked to serve our clients who eventually got home without a scratch.
Here is the most exciting part for our organization:
The initial call went to 911 and Search and Rescue. It was handed off to us with first responders staying in touch if needed. We have earned the trust and respect from first responders and are learning to work with them more in depth.
This is a reflection of our professionalism, organization and teamwork. Those are the product of our dedicated administrators and volunteers. This recovery, although simple in principle but complex in execution is an example of our growing group of members and volunteers and their desire to help out with skill and dedication.
Colorado 4×4 Rescue and Recovery could not be more proud of all of our administrators, recovery members and volunteers. Thank you to all of you, from all of us.
Colorado 4×4 Rescue and Recovery
‘We Recover the Rockies’
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