November 29, 2016 | Categories: Mission Reports
Mission Report: Argentine Pass

Today we were on another recovery on Argentine pass. Our client had to abandon his vehicle and walk out 7 miles to meet his ride home. Luckily he was healthy and young and made the hike without even realizing how far it was. But he was lucky.
Argentine pass is a deceptive trail. It is one of our most common locations for recoveries. Add snow to even a simple trail and experienced off roaders can become stranded and quickly be in a life or death situation.
Today’s recovery took only a couple hours but that was also lucky due to it being about 15 deg. and windy.
We want to make sure all our followers remember that our organization works on volunteers and donations. We have no regular income. Our volunteers quickly offered to help a stranger in these conditions and did so with professionalism and selflessness. They were all deep in the snow and working as a team, having never met before.
We will continue to develop technology and equipment and in 2017, training. We do this again based on volunteers and donations.
Please, as the end of the year winds close and winter sets in, think twice before we venture out on the trails, take other rigs with you, plan for the worst, notify others of your plans and if you go, have fun and BE SAFE. Were here to help, but we don’t mind staying home on these cold and deadly days.
Thank you to our wonderful recovery team today.
Thank you to our client who trusted us to help him.
Colorado 4×4 Rescue And Recovery
We Recover The Rockies
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